It’s well known that the Doctors, researchers, and other staff members here on the Nutricell Blog are NOT big fans of prescription drugs. In fact, we cherish the bountiful health that can arise from homeopathic, holistic, natural approaches to illness.

Yes, we agree that there are situations in which prescription drugs may be necessary.  And those situations vary from person to person.  What we definitely do not agree with is the nearly blind-eye method by which many doctors and healthcare providers go about prescribing medicine.  Not even just their begrudging attitude when it comes to listening to the patient’s needs but also their enthusiastic willingness to take monetary and other types of benefits from the prescription drug companies… all at the cost of the patient.

And what a cost it is.  How many prescription drugs have you taken throughout your life?  And of those, how many had a list of side effects a mile long?  Aside from the greed of the prescription drug industry, there are real threats to your health when taking prescription drugs.

Dangerous Drugs on the Market

Prescription drugs are divided into classes or categories. You may have seen one anti-depression drug advertised from one company, but then see yet another from a different company.  And then, of course, there might be a generic version.  The important thing to remember is that no one company or drug is necessarily better or safer than another.  These drugs and their side effects should all be carefully investigated before you subject yourself or your family to potential danger.

Statins are typically prescribed to address high cholesterol and heart disease.  What no one wants you to know, however, is that these drugs don’t work as well as they are promoted; and that stroke and/or heart attack often still occurs in an individual on statin medications. Severe side effects include increased risk of diabetes, liver disease, brain damage, muscle atrophy, and even early death. If your liver is failing, it doesn’t much matter if your heart is pumping correctly – now does it?
Examples: Lipitor, Crestor

Proton Pump Inhibitors.
Ever heard of GERD? (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) That nasty, horrible acid reflux?  The prescription drug companies want to make sure you know all about it – and convince you that you have it! If you don’t believe me, take a count of how many acid-reflux drug commercials or advertisements you come across in an afternoon of watching television.

Proton Pump Inhibitors (or PPIs for short) are designed to block the acid in your stomach from getting out of control. The problem is that these PPIs also block naturally occurring GOOD acid that your body needs to properly break down nutrients. Without that good acid, you can suffer from nutrient deficiency (particularly magnesium), bone fractures, and may be more susceptible to diarrhea caused by bacteria. PPIs have also been liked to weight gain and pneumonia. Many of these PPI companies have developed over-the-counter versions, which are no safer than their prescription counterparts.
Examples: Nexium, Prevacid

Three words: antibiotic-resistant bacteria.  This is becoming a HUGE problem in our nation and across the globe.  We have used antibiotics so readily over the past few decades that those little bacteria are becoming resistant to our “drug weapons.”  Why have they been over-used?  One reason is that doctors, who are often short on time (especially during flu season) prescribe antibiotics for conditions in which they will not help – including viral infections such as the flu, colds, and most ear infections.

Another problem with misuse of antibiotics occurs when people don’t follow the antibiotic regimen correctly. If you are supposed to take your prescription for 10 days, but feel better after only five and stop taking the antibiotics, the remaining bacteria in your body can survive, adapt, and become resistant… and infect someone else. You can see how this situation can easily get out of control.

Shane Ellison, MS, purports that antibiotics can have severe side effects – even causing physical and neurological disabilities. Ellison says the most dangerous antibiotics on the market are Levaquin, Vancomycin and Bactrim.
Other examples: Cipro, Avelox, and Floxin

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
That fancy name actually is just “anti-depressants” in disguise. This category of drugs has actually been around for quite some time, but you may only recently (or not at all) have heard of their more dangerous side effects. Drugs of this category can cause suicidal tendencies, increased violence, sexual dysfunction, intestinal bleeding, and even heart disease. Oftentimes SSRIs not only don’t help the problem, but they make it much worse.
Examples: Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Lexapro

Think anti-depressants are dangerous? Try these bad boys. Antipsychotics are typically prescribed to address conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and sometimes even mild mood disorders and anxiety. Problem is, while they may help address those issues, they are causing even more debilitating conditions at the same time. Antipsychotics have been linked to long-term neurological damage, weight gain, heart problems and even diabetes.
Examples: Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal and Zyprexa

Opioid pain relievers.
Last, but definitely not least, are opioid pain relievers. It’s no secret that prescription drug abuse of painkillers is a growing problem that is not going away.  One study, conducted by Brandeis University in Massachusetts, suggested that prescription painkillers cause more fatal overdoses than both heroin and cocaine combined. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is even calling this phenomenon an epidemic. And the age of individuals abusing these drugs is getting younger and younger all the time.
Examples: Vicodin, OxyContin, Percocet, codeine, and morphine

Just Say No
You may think you are at the mercy of your doctor or pharmacist when it comes to prescription drugs.  But knowledge is, as they say, POWER.  The more you can inform yourself and those around you about these dangerous prescription drugs, the more equipped you can be to question your doctor’s knee-jerk reaction to prescribe them.  There are other options out there – natural options, of course; but possibly even better pharmaceutical options.  Do your research, and always ASK before you submit to the will of your doctor or pharmacist.

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