Author Archives:  admin

The Flu Scare

It’s everywhere, it’s everywhere!  Or so it seems.  Kids home from school, co-workers not showing up to work, grandparents ending up in the hospital.  It is official: the flu has struck. The media is all over it, naturally. Morning talk shows and even nightly news programs are warning of the dangers of the flu and […]

What Motivates Your Doctor?

Do you trust your Healthcare provider? Before we get into some stats and figures, take a look at one man’s story. “Jim” (name changed to protect the innocent) had a bad experience recently when he went in for a routine check-up.  But there is a light at the end of Jim’s tunnel… read on to […]

Best Exercise Options

Cardio vs. Weight Training, Fat Loss Supplements, and More With New Year’s Day past, and dreaded New Year’s resolutions haunting some of us, I hope you consider following through with some of your goals pertaining to your health.  If you’re like most people, you’ll vow to eat better, exercise more, drink less and lose those […]

Holiday heart attacks on the rise

Holiday Health Concerns: Why Do Heart Attacks Spike During the Holiday Season? And Are There Really More Suicides? The holidays are supposed to be all about happiness and joy, family and friends, opening gifts and enjoying delicious food… not to mention those visions of sugarplums.  But with all these “warm-fuzzy” things, there is a reality […]

Feed Your Brain!

Feed Your Brain Do you remember that PSA (Public Service Announcement), where an egg is being fried in a pan and the message is, “This is your brain on drugs”?  Pretty vivid picture of what drugs – the bad ones – can do to your brain. Unfortunately, it can be more than just drugs that […]

Noni. The Real Benefits

Morinda Citrifolia: Better Than Magic Fairy Dust? You’ve probably heard of the popular Noni Juice… it went through a big boom a few years ago, due to its proposed myriad of health benefits. But what exactly is in this “miracle juice” to make it so beneficial? Certainly not magic fairy dust! No… actually something much […]

Probiotics – Keeping The Doctor Away!

Probiotics and Immunity With cold and flu season approaching faster than you can say “Achoo,” you might be wondering how you can pump up your immunity to avoid the chills, fever, aches and sniffles this year.  Traditional wisdom would say “get your vitamin C” or “use that hand sanitizer”!  But there is another way that […]

CoQ10, Congestive Heart Failure, and Statin drugs

CoQ10 and Congestive Heart Failure You may have been hearing about the benefits of CoQ10, or coenzyme Q10, when it comes to your heart, your brain, and even cancer.  But we’d like to get a bit more specific with those benefits, particularly in terms of addressing and alleviating the symptoms of congestive heart failure. What […]

Boosting Children’s Health and Brain-Power

Boost Your Kids’/Grandkids’ Health and Brain Power! The childhood obesity epidemic continues to grow and shows no signs of tapering off, or at least reaching a plateau.  Since 1980, obesity in children has tripled, and today over 17 percent of our children are severely overweight.  According to an education workshop hosted by the Tyler Public […]

Worms and Parasites Infecting Us

Worms and Parasites? How Probiotics Might be the Answer! Eighty percent of the immune system can be found within your digestive system.  What would happen if this integral part of your body was invaded by harmful parasites that were invisible to the naked eye? Intestinal worms and parasites are not just for poor, underdeveloped countries.  […]

New York, US
3:35 pm, Sep 16, 2024
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Based on the search results, some of the most widespread processed food ingredients in the USA include: Additives: The prevalence of food additives has increased significantly, with 60% of foods purchased by Americans containing technical food additives in 2019, up from 50% in 2001. The mean number of additives in purchased food and beverage products […]

The laws and regulations that allow for the inclusion of toxic artificial ingredients in processed food production are influenced by several powerful entities, including large food companies, pharmaceutical companies, and government bodies. Here’s how these influences manifest: Big Food Companies: Major food corporations, often referred to as “Big Food,” wield significant influence over food regulation […]

Ultra-processed foods are associated with numerous negative health effects for several key reasons: Increased risk of chronic diseases: Ultra-processed foods have been consistently linked to higher risks of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and premature death. They are associated with a 50% increased risk of cardiovascular disease-related death and a 12% greater risk of […]