Category: Children

July 20, 2024

From Farm to Table: The Widespread Impact of Glyphosate in Our Food Chain

Glyphosate, a widely used herbicide in modern agriculture, has become a pervasive contaminant in our food supply. Originally hailed as a revolutionary solution for controlling weeds, this chemical is now raising serious health concerns. Studies have linked glyphosate exposure to a range of health issues, including cancer, hormone disruption, and gut microbiome imbalance. Despite these […]

Western Diet
July 19, 2024

Sugar Shock: Understanding the Hidden Risks of Sugar in Children’s Diets

Sugar is often seen as a harmless treat for children, a reward for good behavior, or a staple in their daily diet. However, the dangers of excessive sugar consumption extend far beyond tooth decay and temporary hyperactivity…from impairing cognitive function to contributing to obesity and chronic diseases, the impact of sugar on children’s health is […]

July 4, 2024

Raising a Generation on Junk: The Alarming Rise of Processed Food Consumption

Did you know that today’s grocery store food would be completely unfamiliar to shoppers from the 1930s? Due to  significant technological and cultural changes plus the rise of packaged food companies, many health professionals believe we are poisoning ourselves as we watch cancer rates, diabetes rate and heart disease rise exponentially. Here are some insights […]

June 7, 2024

Did You Know Fast Food Restaurant Bread Contains High Levels Of Glyphosate?

YEP! That is correct! Based on testing conducted by Moms Across America (MAA),  100%  of all the fast food chains tested had glyphosate residues. ( the active ingredient in Round-Up) Included in the testing were all of the top twenty fast food brands. The brand with the highest Glyphosate count was Panera whole grain bagel […]

May 31, 2024

Understanding The Risks Of Infant Formula

We are told that infant formula is a substitute for breast milk and provides essential nutrients needed for a baby’s growth and development. The composition of infant formula is also regulated and meets an infant’s nutritional needs, like nutrient-dense foods. Yet, is that really true? Upon further analysis,. it seems that food manufacturers and distributors […]

May 28, 2024

Formula Feeding: What Every Parent Should Know About the Potential Dangers

Infant formula was initially designed because some mothers may face difficulties with breastfeeding, such as low milk supply, latch issues, or medical conditions. Baby food manufacturers claim that infant formula is  a substitute for breast milk that  provides essential nutrients needed for a baby’s growth and development. They also claim that it is regulated to […]

October 26, 2017

What’s Not to Like?

21 year old son of Cleveland Cavilers owner, brings laughter while promoting tumor awareness. He suffers from Neurofibromatosis, which causes mostly benign tumors on the nerves, brain, and spinal cord. Also the Ambassador of the Children’s Tumor Foundation, he hopes to raise more money for research to fight tumors in children.

April 13, 2017

Fatal Bowel Problems in Children Linked To Popular Vaccine

First problems with the diabetes drug Avandia, now this… The FDA has announced the GlaxoSmithKline vaccine for rotavirus, called Rotarix, could increase risk for serious bowel problems – potentially fatal problems. A study conducted in Mexico shows there is an increased risk of developing intussusception within 31 days after the initial dose of Rotarix. Intussusception […]

May 27, 2016

Barbie Moms and Toddlers and Tiaras: What Are We Teaching Our Children?

In a world where children already seem to be growing up too fast, news stories about mothers  who push their little girl’s to grow up even faster can’t help but make you shake your head and wonder: “Just what exactly is being taught to the children who will be our future?” This is certainly the […]

Animation Contamination Are Disney Films Giving Our Kids Complexes
May 26, 2016

Animation Contamination: Are Disney Films Giving Our Kids Complexes?

Once upon a time… As a child of the 80s, I inevitably grew up with a stockpile of Disney VHS’s by which I lived and died. A dramatic assertion, I know; but at a time when the world is a black hole of unknowns, they provided the comfort and consistency that every child yearns for: […]

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This is outrageous and a serious threat to the human brain! Look at these headlines! Recent scientific studies have revealed alarming evidence of nanoplastic accumulation in various human organs, with the most shocking findings related to the brain. A preprint study from early 2024 found particularly concerning levels of microplastics in human brain samples Brain […]

December 6, 2024

Lifestyle Choices at Age 60 Could Signal Dementia Risk Later in Life Millions of Americans face the risk of developing dementia, but understanding early warning signs and adopting preventive measures could help delay its onset. New research sheds light on lifestyle factors, access to care, and proactive steps that can mitigate the effects of cognitive […]

Alzheimer’s Disease and Beverage Consumption Alzheimer’s disease is a complex neurodegenerative disorder with multiple risk factors, including genetics, age, and lifestyle choices. Some studies have explored potential links between certain beverages and cognitive health. Artificial Sweeteners, Excess Sugar and Cognitive Health Recent research has raised some concerns about the potential impact of artificially sweetened beverages […]