The holidays are fast approaching, with Halloween only a little over a month away, so begins the true challenges of a nutritional diet; therefore, we need to remember our good friends, enzymes, for holiday meals. Holiday weight gain is a problem not just exclusive to America, but around the world, starting in October. The holidays […]
Category: Diet & Fitness

Probiotics, the Bacteria With Immunity For You
Probiotics and Immunity With cold and flu season approaching faster than you can say “Achoo,” you might be wondering how you can pump up your immunity to avoid the chills, fever, aches, and sniffles this year. Traditional wisdom would say “get your vitamin C” or “use that hand sanitizer!” But there is another way that […]

Pumpkin Seeds: Boost Your Libido With This Healthy Snack
Tired of a dormant or stagnant sex drive slowing you down? Long to be more libidinous, but lack the energy or the means to do so? Well, good news! We’re only a little while away from the first day of fall, a time for colder weather, beautiful autumn foliage of golds and yellows, and, of […]

Naturally Sleep Better With This Indian Root
Imagine, if you will, a population without a single sleep issue, residents young and old all sleeping perfectly. How could this be possible? Many do not know this, but there’s a part of the world where sleep issues are essentially obsolete. Specifically, rural India. Medical researchers have spent years studying the culture, climate, traditions and many other […]

Top 10 Ingredients That Could Reverse Aging
We all suffer from the same affliction, commonly referred to as the human condition. And the worst symptom, our bodies decline as we age. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for aging, at least, not yet anyway; however, there are some natural remedies to help slow the process. Anti-aging isn’t taking some sort of miracle drug, nor […]

Konjac Benefits and Amazing Healing Properties
Close up of Konjac leave (Amorphophallus konjac) The Konjac Kraze Perhaps in your search for dietary supplements and fibers, you might have come across this plant called the konjac, also nicknamed the elephant yam, voodoo lily or the snake palm. Its corm, or, rather, its root, offers many benefits like assisting with weight loss, as […]

The Ultimate Guide to Kick Sugar Addiction
Likening a sugar addiction to a drug habit might seem like an overreaction on the surface, but it might not be exaggerated. Surely, at some point in time, you might have found yourself really craving a chocolate bar, a slice of cake or a can of a soda pop, even when you’re not hungry. […]
The “Natural Food” trick
The Difference Between Natural and Organic Foods At first glance, and maybe even with a closer look, it might be hard to notice a difference between foods labeled “natural” or “organic”. . . if there even is any. After all, the term can be used interchangeably, right? Actually, there are a few significant differences between […]

5 Genetically Modified Foods You Should Be Aware Of
5 Foods You Didn’t Know Are Genetically Modified With all of the controversy surrounding genetically engineered foods, many people are actively seeking unaltered foods and avoiding modified. What some don’t realize, however, is that unlike places such as Europe and Japan, the United States doesn’t require food manufacturing companies to disclose if their food is […]

Fried Chicken is Healthy?
Are you a fan of guilty pleasures like red meat, chicken, cheese, and dairy products? Many of us crave these high-fat foods, but still try to limit our consumption due to the assumption that foods high in saturated fat are bad for our health. The U.S. Dietary Guidelines even tell Americans to eat small amounts […]