Green tea diet pills are a good way in which you can educe your weight. Green tea diet is also widely recognized as a substance that can protect against many different cancers such as stomach cancer, ovarian cancer, cancer of the colon, oral cancer, prostate cancer, and breast and cervical cancers. Green Tea Diet is […]
Category: Diet & Fitness

The Food Movement You Should Be Following
If you are like most people, you are looking for a way to stay healthy and maintain a desirable weight. But you might not know all the foods you should be eating to do just that. One food movement that has evolved to help people understand the importance of healthy eating, thanks to people such […]
7 Health Habits to Help You Live to 100
Most of us wish that we could live forever . . . or at least to the milestone of 100! But few of us actually bother to do what it takes to increase our chances of a longer and healthier life – even though there are some really simple and quick ways to ensure longevity.

Is CrossFit the New Fitness Cult? A Peek at the Current Trend
You don’t need to be a fitness junkie to have heard of CrossFit. These days everyone knows at least one person who is singing the praises of CrossFit and telling anyone who will listen just why you “must” give it a try. Just like the people who pray to the gods of P90X, or Insanity, […]

Problem Poses: When Yoga Causes Harm
Problem Poses: When Yoga Causes Harm You always hear how yoga is so good for you – both physically and mentally. It can be calming, as well as a really good workout. However, not everyone is convinced that yoga is a healthy option. A recent New York Times article has yoga enthusiasts wondering if yoga […]

Mango Seed Extract for Weight Loss: Dr. Oz Weighs In
If you’re a fan of the Dr. Oz show, or Dr. Oz in general, than you may think he’s a fairly “straight-shooter” when it comes to advising you on your health and wellness. So, it’s no surprise that he caused quite the stir when he told his millions of viewers that mango seed extract could […]

Sleep Bulimia: The Disorder Causing Our Vitamin Z Deficiency
Eight hours a day keeps the doctor away . . . in an ideal world. We know medical research tells us to get more sleep, but for a society on a perma-drip of caffeine and chaos, it’s easier preached than practiced. In fact, over a third of U.S. adults are considered sleep deprived, over 60 […]

Injury and Healing 101: Move It to Use It
Everyone is so worried about injuries these days it’s a wonder we still play sports at all. After 25 years spent working in the field of sports medicine teaching people how to play their best and avoid injuries, people are still getting hurt, doctors are still giving out prescription drugs like candy and RICE is still used by “forward thinking therapist” to treat injuries.

4 Natural Stress Relievers for Stressful Times
If you live in America, you’re no stranger to the economic stress of the present time. And with more and more evidence that stress can lead to any number of ailments, including heart disease, cancer, depression and anxiety, it’s critical to learn to address it properly. Before you turn to options such as prescription drugs […]

Recommended Foods for Diabetes
Brewer’s Yeast Brewer’s yeast is a wonder food. It is rich in traces of mineral chromium. This mineral helps the pancreas produce more insulin. It is one of the best supports for normal handling of sugar by the body. According to an article by Dr. Richard J. Doisy and others, which appeared in the Medical […]