Atkins is a household name in weight loss. Popularized by Dr. Robert Atkins, it got its start in a medical publication called the Journal of the American Medical Association. Atkins took some of the ideas from the journal diet and worked on the plan to fit his own weight-loss goals. The popularity of the Atkins […]
Category: Diet & Fitness

Why Did The Atkins Diet Fail

Is Fasting For You?
Facts on Fasting You Must Know Have you been feeling a bit run-down lately, or just a bit out of sorts? Maybe you haven’t been eating as healthfully as you should, or you’ve put on a few pounds and feel a little sluggish. Perhaps long days at the office or taking care of your family […]

A NEW Way to Treat Acid Reflux
Many patients suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), better known as acid reflux, try many different treatments and medications before finding one that even comes close to addressing symptoms. And some folks who suffer never truly find relief . . . ever. What they may not realize, however, is that by completely eliminating one simple […]

Do Kegel Exercises Help Men With Better Erections?
Similar to jelqing, kegel exercises are designed to strengthen your penis, reduce premature ejaculation and increase the size and intensity of your erections.

Ancient African Weight Loss Secrets
Take a journey to the Motherland for healing and weight loss! Nearly forgotten African rituals hold the key to Western obesity problem and countless other health issues that plague developed countries. Africa is a huge continent with so many cultures, tribes, and languages. It is not only the cradle of civilization, but it holds centuries of traditions, and ancient practices that are valuable today.

Did You Know That You Can Bounce Your Way to Good Health?
This article gives you all the health benefits you can gain from regular use of a mini trampolene or rebounder. International research has found that bouncing on a mini trampoline has far reaching benefits for all ages, making you fit, toning your body and assisting with weight loss. It is one of the most effective […]

Does Vitamin D Aid in Digestive Disorders?
Vitamin D. Or, the “sunshine” vitamin as it’s sometimes called. If you don’t know just how important it is for your health, well, you really should. Vitamin D is essential for nearly every single working part of your body – from your heart, to your other organs (including your skin). And now it looks like […]

New Study Says Average Obese Woman Gets 1 Hour of Exercise PER YEAR
A new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings reported that obese women only get 1 hour of vigorous exercise per year – and obese men engage in vigorous exercise less than 4 hours a year. The report startled researchers whose main focus was to find better ways to measure how much exercise people get. “They’re […]

6 Surprising Secrets to Healthy Digestion (your doctor may not know)!
Are you one of the 95 million folks suffering from constipation… gas… irritable bowels… bloating… indigestion… or acid reflux? If so, you may think that your digestive problems aren’t such a big deal — maybe even a normal part of life. But don’t be fooled! These nagging symptoms could be the beginning of much bigger […]
Study Finds Widespread Contamination in 97% of Chicken Sold in the US!
Forget the alcohol. Never mind the prescription drugs. It looks like the FDA should require a new WARNING label on chicken! That’s because a startling new report reveals: 97% of chicken breast contains harmful bacteria that can make you sick as a dog! A recent Consumer Reports analysis of more than 300 raw chicken breasts […]