Written By: Jack Riess NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Life Long Researcher of Health and Longevity. Hello, friendly food explorers! Today we’re diving into a big, juicy topic that’s sizzling with debate: the meat-based diet versus the vegetarian diet. Ever tried to find the “best” way to eat? It’s like being in a noisy playground […]
Category: Digestive Health

Colorectal Cancer: 7 Surprising Risk Factors Young Men Need to Know
Written By: Jack Riess NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Life Long Researcher of Health and Longevity. Hey, there’s this sneaky cancer, you’ve probably heard of it – it’s called colorectal cancer. It’s sneaky because it often doesn’t show signs until it’s already up to no good. It’s the third most common bad guy out there […]

Serotonin, Nothing Will Make You Happier
First off, what is serotonin? It’s a neurotransmitter that functions in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the central nervous system (CNS). You may be familiar with serotonin because it typically is associated with mood, and is also referenced in discussions of ecstasy or sex. In pleasurable situations, (and most agree during exercise) serotonin is released, […]

For the Holidays, Let Enzymes Know They Matter
The holidays are fast approaching, with Halloween only a little over a month away, so begins the true challenges of a nutritional diet; therefore, we need to remember our good friends, enzymes, for holiday meals. Holiday weight gain is a problem not just exclusive to America, but around the world, starting in October. The holidays […]

Probiotics, the Bacteria With Immunity For You
Probiotics and Immunity With cold and flu season approaching faster than you can say “Achoo,” you might be wondering how you can pump up your immunity to avoid the chills, fever, aches, and sniffles this year. Traditional wisdom would say “get your vitamin C” or “use that hand sanitizer!” But there is another way that […]

Magnesium Deficiency is Killing You; Here’s Why
Can a magnesium deficiency result in sudden death as a result of heart disease? Over the last thirty years or so, there’s been many published medical studies and journals suggesting that a lack of magnesium can have adverse negative effects on many of our vital organs. Magnesium is a macro-mineral essential to over 300 enzymatic […]

Konjac Benefits and Amazing Healing Properties
Close up of Konjac leave (Amorphophallus konjac) The Konjac Kraze Perhaps in your search for dietary supplements and fibers, you might have come across this plant called the konjac, also nicknamed the elephant yam, voodoo lily or the snake palm. Its corm, or, rather, its root, offers many benefits like assisting with weight loss, as […]

The Ultimate Guide to Kick Sugar Addiction
Likening a sugar addiction to a drug habit might seem like an overreaction on the surface, but it might not be exaggerated. Surely, at some point in time, you might have found yourself really craving a chocolate bar, a slice of cake or a can of a soda pop, even when you’re not hungry. […]

Juice Up Your Digestion
Here’s a quiz question for you: Which function or condition do you rank as the most important for your health? Nutrition? Digestion? Physical fitness? Did you rank Digestion as #1? Of course you need all three to enjoy optimal health, but if I had to put them in order of importance, digestion would top my […]

Cure Your Digestive Woes with Probiotics and Fiber
Imagine trying to have dinner with your friends but all you can think about is where the nearest restroom is. Or imagine being sick with cramps several times per day. Not fun, right? Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to address these issues – and without a doctor’s prescription. Regardless of your digestive […]