If you suffer from acid reflux (and it’s likely that you are one of the millions of Americans who do), you may be making a big mistake in trying to treat it! If you take drugs like Prilosec or Prevacid to ease your acid reflux, you may actually be harming your digestive health. Keep reading […]
Category: Digestive Health

Looking to Antioxidants for Better Colon Health
Colon health is something that each and every one of us should be concerned about. And now, for people with a history of colon polyp formation, a new study suggest that use of selenium based antioxidant supplements might help prevent the development of new colon polyps. Keep reading for more information on this recent research. […]

Do You Have This Common Digestive Disorder and Just Not Know It?
One of the most prevalent diseases out there today has to do with digestion: Celiac disease. While few people clearly understand exactly what Celiac disease is; even fewer know they have it. It was recently found that approximately 97 percent of people with Celiac disease have never been diagnosed. In this article, we will discuss […]

The Surprising Link Between Constipation and Parkinson’s
In a recent study, conducted at the world famous Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, researchers have found what they believe to be a link between an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease and those who suffer from constipation. The study, conducted by Mayo’s Dr. Walter A. Rocca and colleagues, found that a history of constipation […]

Probiotics: Not Just For Your Gut
Probiotics are often recommended for those with digestive and stomach problems but recent research indicates that they can do a lot more by way of health benefits. While probiotics are often recommended for those who have conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a study published in Vaccine found that there are numerous health benefits to […]

Probiotics: New Form of Relief for Hay Fever Sufferers
For years, hay fever sufferers have had to endure the sneezing, sniffling and all-around breathing difficulties that just came with the season. However, new research is hinting that probiotics have the power to help the body’s immune system adjust to grass pollen, which is the most common culprit of hay fever and other seasonal allergies. […]

Probiotics For Mind, Body, and Immune Health
(part 3 of 3, Probiotics Series) Now that you know what probiotics are, how to increase their presence in your body, and are fully aware of the large number of benefits that they bring with them – what’s left? In the second article of this series, we briefly touched on another benefit that is harder […]
Probiotics, Good For Your Health, And Fight Over 170 Ailments
(Part 2 of 3 part series) In the first article of this 3 part probiotics series, we introduced the idea of probiotics as a way to balance the hundreds of types of bacteria that naturally exist within your body. In this piece we will cover the different ways to consume probiotics, introduce prebiotics, and delve […]

Probiotics, One Key To Maintaining Optimum Health
While consuming microscopic organisms and bacteria on purpose may seem strange — or even disgusting to most people, it’s actually something you should do on a regular basis to maintain a healthy immune system… in the form of probiotics. What Exactly ARE Probiotics? Probiotics are tiny, living microorganisms (also known as microflora or beneficial bacteria) […]

The Power of Prebiotics
The Power of Prebiotics and Why Probiotics Alone Aren’t Enough You know about probiotics – the healthy bacteria that can help you maintain good digestive health (and good overall health). But have you heard of prebiotics? Many people haven’t, which is a shame, as they are an essential part of the benefits you get from […]