Category: Miscellaneous

March 25, 2017

The Surprising Link Between Constipation and Parkinson’s

In a recent study, conducted at the world famous Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, researchers have found what they believe to be a link between an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease and those who suffer from constipation. The study, conducted by Mayo’s Dr. Walter A. Rocca and colleagues, found that a history of constipation […]

March 18, 2017

The Longevity Secret

What differentiates those that live a long healthy life and those that fall victim to disease?  Well…it’s not a simple, clear-cut answer.  However, there are a few things within our direct control that probably play a significant role in longevity, including healthy eating habits, regular exercise and a positive mental attitude.   With the proper education, […]

March 5, 2017

Vaccines Are The Major Cause of Food Allergies

Why would children be allergic to peanuts? Some children fatally allergic? I read in the book “Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies”, by Kenneth Bock, M.D. and Cameron Stauth about his theories about allergies and how he is actually healing the children. The puzzle of why peanuts should be a major […]

March 5, 2017

Don’t Let Food Allergies Get You Down

Are you living with one or more food allergies? You’re not alone! Over 12 million Americans have food allergies, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Out of those people, 6.9 are allergic to seafood and 3.3 million are allergic to peanuts and/or tree nuts. Other foods that commonly lead to allergies […]

March 4, 2017

How to Fight Hay Fever

Are you plagued by sneezing, a runny nose, watery eyes, and wheezing? You could be suffering from hay fever. Also known as allergic rhinitis, hay fever is an allergic condition triggered by airborne pollen. Dust and chemical particles that are also floating around in the air can exacerbate the condition and make symptoms worse. In […]

March 4, 2017

Cure Your Hay Fever with One Simple (and Tasty) Treat

Ahhhh . . . The sneezing. The stuffiness. The sinus pressure. You’ve felt it. I’ve felt it. It’s HAY FEVER! And no matter how hard you try to stop it, ease it, or prevent it, nothing seems to work. Until now. Research may have found a cure for hay fever. That’s right – not just […]

March 3, 2017

Learn about hay fever causes and treatment

Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, affects a large number of people. The condition is caused by an allergic response to indoor or outdoor airborne allergens, such as pollen, dust mites or pet dander. Learn more about hay fever and what are the new methods being used for its treatment. Hay fever, also known […]

February 27, 2017

Delay the Signs of Aging With these Simple Steps

There are an abundance of things we can do, and an abundance of products/supplements we can take to make sure our skin is as healthy as it was 10, maybe even 20 years ago! Eat Right: Healthy Skin Starts with Healthy Eating Its when people say you are what you eat. Indulging in unhealthy food […]

February 26, 2017

7 Anti-Aging Methods that Really Work

As the medical community makes amazing strides to extend the human lifespan, more and more emphasis is being put on extending the quality of life.  Consequently, there are many products on the market today which promise to slow or reverse the effects of aging on the body and the mind. There are several common herbal […]

August 5, 2016

Feeling Blue After Giving Up Smoking?

Smokers who finally manage to kick the habit are quick to tell you the first days are marked with nervous jitters, anxiety, and a strong craving for a nicotine fix. What you don’t hear so much about is the great feelings of lingering sadness that some experience without their cigarettes. A new study by the […]

Recommended Blogs

Did you know that according to the American Heart Association the average American consumes approximately 60 pounds of added sugar annually. This equates to about 17 teaspoons of added sugar per day, which is 2 to 3 times the recommended amount for men and women respectively. To make the matters worse, the Department of Agriculture […]


Many everyday food products have been found to contain microplastics, often due to environmental contamination or food processing and packaging. Here are some common sources of microplastics that can impact your diet and fitness: Drinking water: Bottled water has been shown to contain high levels of microplastics. Tap water also contains microplastics, though generally at […]

Did you know that the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) estimated that approximately 8 million tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans each year. The amount of plastic in the ocean is expected to double in the next 15 years, and by 2050, it could outweigh all the fish in the sea by weight. And […]