Category: Natural Health

August 8, 2017

Don’t Accept Diabetes

A short while ago, a friend came up to my office, and she told me how her father-in-law wound up in the hospital and came out with a diagnosis of Type-2 diabetes. His doctor sent him home with a booklet about watching his diet, a glucose test kit, and a bag full of syringes and […]

August 8, 2017

What You Must Know About Diabetes

Diabetes Mellitus is a disease in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin, a hormone that helps the body’s tissues absorb glucose (sugar) so it can be used as a source of energy. The condition may also develop if muscle, fat, and liver cells respond poorly to insulin. In people with diabetes, glucose levels […]

August 7, 2017

Cataracts and Blindness: What You Need to Know

The month of June is “Cataract Awareness Month” so now is an excellent opportunity to shed some light on the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Approximately 20.5 million Americans age 40 or over are afflicted with a cataract in one or both eyes. About 6 million of these people have undergone cataract surgery, which has […]

August 7, 2017

Diabetes & Glaucoma Put Millions At Risk for Unexpected Blindness

Unexpected sight loss is more common than you may think. Blindness often happens without prior warning signs and in people unaware they are at risk. The two most common culprits of unexpected sight loss are diabetes and glaucoma. These diseases are known as the “sneak thieves of sight” because symptoms may not occur in the […]

May 9, 2017

The Food Movement You Should Be Following

If you are like most people, you are looking for a way to stay healthy and maintain a desirable weight. But you might not know all the foods you should be eating to do just that. One food movement that has evolved to help people understand the importance of healthy eating, thanks to people such […]

May 6, 2017

Probiotics May Help Fight Liver Disease

A leading cause of death is liver disease, and often a major contributor to developing liver disease is alcoholism or heavy drinking.  Unfortunately, the standard form of treatment for liver disease isn’t as effective if your liver is too far deteriorated or damaged. Recent research, however, is showing promise in the use of probiotics to […]

April 13, 2017

Heartburn Natural Relief: You Can Still Enjoy your Favorite Foods

Heartburn can ruin a perfectly great dinner.  There are some natural remedies you can do to prevent or help heartburn, so you can enjoy the foods you love. Heartburn can be annoying and sometimes even make you sick.  Many times, our favorite foods are not so healthy, especially that spicy Chili or hot tamales.  Whatever […]

April 13, 2017

The Role of Vitamin D in Digestive Disorders

Vitamin D. Or, the “sunshine” vitamin as it’s sometimes called. If you don’t know just how important it is for your health, well, you really should. Vitamin D is essential for nearly every single working part of your body – from your heart, to your other organs (including your skin). And now it looks like […]

April 10, 2017

4 Toxic Chemicals Found In Condoms that Can Poison You!

Nearly all of us know that condoms are the most commonly used form of contraceptives. However, rarely does anyone have an idea about what goes into manufacturing a condom. Yes! We surely do know that almost all condoms are made of latex, but surely that can’t be the only ‘ingredient’ that goes into making a […]

April 10, 2017

6 Common Foods That Have Strong Antibiotic Properties

“Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.” The aforementioned quote has been widely attributed to Hippocrates, the father of medicine. Now, we can only suppose that when he said this, he was talking about those superfoods which display antibiotic properties. Long before the use of allopathic medicines, these foods helped […]

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Sugar consumption has been linked to various chronic diseases, including cancer, inflammatory diseases, and other health conditions. Here’s an overview of the connections: Cancer While sugar does not directly cause cancer, excessive sugar intake may increase cancer risk through several mechanisms: Obesity: High sugar consumption can lead to weight gain and obesity, which is a […]

When you look at the packaging of Skinny Pop, you will see 80 calories per bag, Non-GMO, No Artificial Ingredients, Gluten Free On the surface, you would think that it is a very healthy alternative…so let’s break down the ingredients: Popcorn Popcorn is a whole grain derived from corn kernels. It’s a healthy ingredient that […]

In the United States, ultra-processed foods make up nearly 60% of the average diet, a staggering statistic that poses serious health risks. These foods, often loaded with additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients, are convenient but come at a cost. Studies show that excessive consumption of ultra-processed foods significantly affects your health and wellness by raising […]