The scientific and nutrition communities are beginning to realize the significant, unparalleled health benefits of Vitamin D. It has long been known that Vitamin D works with calcium to support bone health, but its benefits are much more far-reaching than that. Every single cell in the human body requires Vitamin D to function properly. To […]
Category: Natural Health

Vitamin D Increases Breast Cancer Survival

Can Chocolate Promote Heart Health?
A big new study is being launched by Mars Inc., and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. The purpose of the study is to see if pills containing the nutrients in dark chocolate can help with heart health; specifically in the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. For countless centuries, cocoa has been used […]

Fried Chicken is Healthy?
Are you a fan of guilty pleasures like red meat, chicken, cheese, and dairy products? Many of us crave these high-fat foods, but still try to limit our consumption due to the assumption that foods high in saturated fat are bad for our health. The U.S. Dietary Guidelines even tell Americans to eat small amounts […]

The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil
Most everyone loves the fresh smell and tropical taste of coconut. In fact, the very scent can take you miles away and conjure up images of a tropical paradise, and pina coladas by the beach. However, did you know that coconut oil has been used as a medicinal treatment for thousands of years? Coconut oil […]

The Amazing Health Benefits of Ripe Bananas
Did you know that super ripe bananas hold amazing health benefits? That’s right, those dark spotted bananas that you’ve been throwing away are actually really good for you. As it turns out, Japanese researchers have found that ripe bananas with dark spots actually produce a substance known as “Tumor Necrosis Factor”. TNF can fight abnormal […]

Acidic Foods Can Help Control Blood Glucose
Do you suffer from diabetes, or high blood sugar? Do you have family members with diabetes, and fear that you may also be predisposed to the disease? Luckily, there are natural methods to combat high blood glucose levels, and in this article we’ll explore a few of these methods including vinegar, lacto-fermentation, yogurt, kefir, and […]

Tips for Preventing Breast Cancer
I know that you are very aware of the threat that breast cancer poses to American women. This devastating disease has touched most of us personally – my own family included. We’ve all heard the statistic: An American woman has a 1 in 9 chance of developing breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. […]

A Better Way to Relieve Pain
You Can Relieve Pain – Even Heal Your Arthritis. Staying AWAY from Drugs is a Good Start Arthritis is one of the most common and painful afflictions to strike older people in industrialized cultures. It’s also very big business for drug companies. This month, I’m going to talk about rheumatoid arthritis (RA) because it responds […]

Relief From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Do you spend a lot of time typing on a computer? Maybe your job requires you to spend hours glued to your computer keyboard. If this sounds familiar, you could be at risk for the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. Let’s take a deeper look into this condition, including causes and possible treatments. If you […]

Why I’m Anti-Antacid
Heartburn Can Be Serious, but Antacids Only Spell Trouble for Your Health and Digestion Most people have experienced heartburn and think it’s no big deal. But back when I filled prescriptions every day at a local pharmacy, I remember the people who came in suffering from chronic heartburn. There was one guy who would buy […]