YEP! That is correct!

Based on testing conducted by Moms Across America (MAA),  100%  of all the fast food chains tested had glyphosate residues. ( the active ingredient in Round-Up) Included in the testing were all of the top twenty fast food brands.

The brand with the highest Glyphosate count was Panera whole grain bagel with levels reaching up to 225.53 parts per billion (ppb) in one sample and 213.58 ppb in another, totaling 439.11 ppb in two samples.

That, my friends, in dangerous especially if you are eating fast food bread frequently . It builds up in your body and causes more health effects all the time

Plus In-N-Out Burger even contained glyphosate residues in their food samples. This raises a bigger question about the existence of potentially dangerous compounds in regularly consumed foods, which is critical knowledge for anyone concerned about their diet and fitness.

6 Potential Health Risks To Ingesting Glyphosate

  1. Cancer: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” in 2015. This was  based on evidence of cancer in animals and limited evidence in humans
  2. Endocrine Disruption: Glyphosate is reported to disrupt endocrine functions…. potentially affecting hormone levels and reproductive health.
  3. Gastrointestinal Issues: There is also evidence that exposing yourself to  glyphosate may also be associated with gastrointestinal problems….including but not limited ti an increased risk of celiac dis
  4. Neurotoxicity: Studies indicate that glyphosate may exert toxic effects on the nervous system which includes oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction within the inner cells 
  5. Liver and Kidney Damage: Long-term exposure to glyphosate is linked to liver and kidney damage in animal studies and some human epidemiological studies.
  6. Developmental and Reproductive Effects: Animal studies have shown that high doses of glyphosate may cause developmental issues like lower body weight and problems with bone and organ growth. Concerns have been raised about potential risks to pregnant women and children.

Regulatory Perspectives

  • EPA: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has downplayed the risk associated with exposure to glyphosate and concluded that it is “not likely to be carcinogenic to humans” when used according to label directions and that residues in food are not of concern for consumers. However, you need to ask yourself- if you are consuming it all the time and it is building up higher levels in your body and your blood- can it really be safe?
  • International Discrepancies: There is significant disagreement among regulatory agencies worldwide. Some countries have banned it outright and others have restrictions on its use.

Here is a List Of 13 Countries Who Have Banned Glyphosate:

Vietnam, Austria,  Sri Lanka, Bermuda, Bahrain, Barbados, St. Vincent and the Grenadines,  Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Malawi

10 More Counties Have Severally Restricted Glyphosate:

  1. Germany: has plans to completely phase out glyphosate by the end of 2020
  2. France, Netherlands, Belgium: Banned glyphosate only for household use
  3. Brazil: some restrictions
  4. Canada: Eight out of the ten provinces have multiple restrictions on glyphosate use
  5. Mexico: Pledged to outlaw its use by 2024…depends on the new president as to if that will happen
  6. Colombia and El Salvador: Both countries initially banned it and  later overturned the decision- due to pressure from outside sources
  7. California, USA: Several cities and counties have banned or restricted it

The truth is that healthy diet foods such as fruits, vegetables, and grains in America can become contaminated due to several factors:  agricultural practices, environmental conditions, and regulatory frameworks. Here are the primary reasons for contamination:

1. Pesticide Use

  • Widespread Use of Pesticides: Pesticides, including herbicides like glyphosate, are extensively used in American agriculture to try and control weeds, pests, and disease. The use of these chemicals leads to residues on crops that we eventually ingest into our bodies.

2. Soil and Water Contamination

  • Soil Contaminants: Contaminants like arsenic and cadmium are present in many of the soils where crops are grown. These elements contaminate the produce.
  • Water Contamination: Water used for irrigation contains pesticides, heavy metals, or microbial pathogens, which can be transferred to crops and into our mouths.

3. Microbial Contamination

  • Pathogens: Fresh produce can contain bacteria, viruses, and parasites that originated from contaminated soil, water, or processing. As an  example, lettuce and spinach are common sources of bacterial infections
  • Handling and Storage: Inferior handling,  storage problems, makes the contamination worse. The manure, water, and soil itself is a significant source of pathogens.

4. Agricultural Practices

  • Use of Soil Amendments: The use of soil amendments, such as manure, can introduce contaminants if not properly managed. These amendments can harbor pathogens that contaminate crops.
  • Crop Management: Practices like crop rotation, use of cover crops, and integrated pest management (IPM) can influence the levels of contaminants in produce. However, the effectiveness of these practices varies and may not completely eliminate contamination risks.

5. Regulatory and Compliance Issues

  • Regulatory Framework: The EPA, USDA and FDA, regulates pesticide use and sets safety standards. The problem is that it is difficult and costly to enforce so may producers simply get away with it. Not to mention food manufacturers look to maximize profits and have strong lobbying departments

In summary, the contamination of fruits, vegetables, and grains in America is complicated.  We need to be proactive and check out everything so we can protect our health.

Insiders Health Tip

Safety Measures: Opt for organic products, which are less likely to contain glyphosate residues, include a range of healthy foods to eat, such as fruits and vegetables and start a home garden.



Eating Out: A Date With Glyphosate

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