Women can contract yeast infections in several ways. It is very important to make sure that you have correctly identified the infection. Since there is at least one very serious condition that can be mistaken for a vaginal yeast infection that requires totally different treatment, identification is essential.

Women can contract yeast infections in several ways. It is very important to make sure that you have correctly identified the infection. Since there is at least one very serious condition that can be mistaken for a vaginal yeast infection that requires totally different treatment, identification is essential. If you are a woman who has a tendency toward recurrent yeast infections, and are intimately familiar with the signs and symptoms your body displays when a yeast infection is present, then you can be fairly sure you know what you are dealing with. If you suddenly develop a vaginal condition, of any kind, for the first time, proper diagnosis from a medical professional is a must.

Abnormal variations of Candida yeasts are responsible for women’s vaginal infections. Yeast is a fungus. The Candida yeast that causes women’s infections is found in the intestinal tract. It’s supposed to be there to assist with digestion. If you have had any condition that required the use of antibiotics, then it is possible to get many types of yeast infections, not just vaginal infections. The antibiotic causes abnormal characteristics to evolve in the yeast; then it goes on a rampage, and can attack anywhere in the body.

Yeast love warm moist places; there’s no better environment for yeast than the vagina. This is especially true if you douche frequently. The vagina has its own colony of friendly bacteria to fight infection, as well as being a pH balanced environment when it is healthy. This all serves to not only to maintain that healthy environment, but also to fight off germs and infections that can take up residence there. Douching destroys the natural bacteria as well as the pH balance protection. Every women needs to douche, but when you must, use a natural vinegar and water solution. This will not adversely affect the vaginal environment, and vinegar has enzymes that kill yeast. Now, that’s a win, win!

How to get rid of candida albicans?

Diet and exercise are imperative to a healthy overall body, and the vagina is no exception. When you eat yeast friendly foods you encourage them to take up residence and grow. One of the things yeast really like is sugar; another is carbohydrates, which the body processes as sugar. Low fiber is a signal to yeast to make their move. Fiber keeps the digestive system healthy and gives yeast more reasons to stay where they belong. Not drinking enough water to keep your system flushed out; is another way to encourage all kinds of problems including yeast.

Last, but by no means least, is personal or sexual contact with a partner who has a yeast infection. Yes, men get them, too. Yes, on the penis. The problem is that some men with penile yeast infection do not have symptoms, and therefore have no way of knowing they even have such a thing. This can make it difficult to avoid, if you have a regular intimate relationship with someone.

Of course, when women get yeast infections, the symptoms are blatantly obvious; itching, irritation, burning with urination and that smelly discharge. Seek immediate medical attention; before it gets out of control.

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