The year was 2007, and medical scientists from around the globe made a brain health discovery that would change the face of medical science forever. What did they find? A village where brains neither aged nor were affected by degenerative brain disease. Villagers between the ages of 50 and 70 had the brain function of a 20 or 30-year-old. Even when the villager’s aged in years their brain cell count and cognition stayed young, year after year! Their secret? Hericium Erinaceus, also known as Lion’s Mane, an incredibly rare and edible medicinal mushroom, natively grown in Asia and Europe that can prevent Alzheimer’s. It’s a century old secret regarding Chinese brain medicine, which has led many researchers to believe this single ingredient is why brain diseases are staggeringly lower in the East than in the West.
Lion’s Mane Mushroom Benefits
Lion’s mane contains many polysaccharides and cyanthane derivative triterpenes that have been scientifically shown to promote the regeneration of brain cells and increase memory recall. In addition, hericium erinaceus enhances neurite outgrowth, meaning, it’s directly responsible for reversing deterioration of the brain, which can treat and prevent Alzheimer’s, dementia symptoms, etc. Additionally, it also provides the following benefits:
You read that last one right: REGENERATE and CREATE new healthy BRAIN CELLS and NERVE CELLS!
Brain Health Clinical Trials: Results You Almost Won’t Believe
Some of these claims might sound too much like science fiction, or just too good to be true; however, numerous clinical studies have been conducted to prove its effects on the human brain with staggering results and approval from medical professionals. Take Dr. Earl Mindell, R.Ph., M.H., Ph.D., for example. Internationally regarded as the #1 authority on nutritional supplements and natural Health Solutions for life-extension. He’s also the author of 57 health and nutrition books including his New York Times best-seller, The Vitamin Bible, published in 34 languages, has been guest on Oprah, Live with Regis and Kathy Lee, Good Morning America, CNN and Fox News, and wrote numerous health and nutrition articles for The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine and Good Housekeeping.
According to Mindell, this “remarkable mushroom is revolutionizing the way cutting-edge doctors treat Age-Related Memory Decline… poor concentration… forgetfulness… and a host of other brain-related health problems!”
The Journal of Health Science broke the news when scientists discovered a specific, rare mushroom contains a group of potent compounds that can stimulate the re-growth of neurons and nerve cells. In other words, this medicinal mushroom can help gain decades of sharper thinking, powerful concentration, amazing memory recall while fighting off age-related, the mental decline from now well into your 90’s.
Scientists discovered this mushroom contains two biological compounds, the aforementioned polysaccharides, and cyanthane derivative triterpenes, that stimulate nerve regeneration, and several clinical trials and tests show they also stimulate nerve growth factor activity. Researchers long claimed that an excess of beta-amyloid plaque formation on brain cellsis a major cause of Age-Related Memory Decline. That’s because this type of plaque can interfere with healthy neuron transmission… and cause nerve degeneration. Lion’s mane has been shown to regrow brain cells and reduce plaque formation on patients already experiencing mental deterioration. That’s right, it removes plaque from the brain, attributing as to why medical scientists refer to this mushroom as the “Brain Fountain of Youth”.
As we get older, we wear out our brain cells and many end up damaged and dead. This leads us down the road of decreased function, and even worse, degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia; however, this special mushroom has been clinically shown to regenerate brain cells to improve mental sharpness and memory recall, lessening forgetfulness. Let’s face it, life expectancy is increasing thanks to advances in medicine, but as a result, there has been a global rise in neurodegenerative diseases. The brain is simply wearing out before the body.
Just like a car, you add years and years of miles on your brain producing wear and tear. As you get older, the “wear and tear” will show in your thought processing, forgetfulness, and overall brain deterioration, not to mention the possibility of degenerative brain diseases. Our brain cells wear out and die and by 60, and the brain actually begins to shrink. When these cells in your brain are restored, it’s like rolling back the miles on a car. The difference is your car would never restore “age,” but your brain can. Science shows your brain will get younger and younger by the day until you are thinking and functioning at a much younger age.
In 2008 at the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Tohoku University, clinical tests were performed on the brain effects on different mushrooms, focusing on the Hericium Erinaceus. Out of all the mushrooms tested, Lion’s Mane was shown to contain the most active compounds that stimulate NGF synthesis to re-grow nerves and brain cells.
This study cites this find as a possible way to prevent Alzheimer’s.
In the scientific journal Phytotherapy Research, published in 2008, a group of researchers performed a double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial on 50-80-year-old men and women with cognitive impairment to examine the efficacy of oral administration of the Hericium Erinaceus for 16 weeks. Starting at week 8, the group of volunteers taking the real Lion’s Mane had shown considerable improvement on cognitive function scales, compared to those who took a placebo and showed little to no difference.
Japanese doctors are considered the world leaders in brain health, and they’ve zoned in on the intense reported benefits of rare and potent Lion’s Mane Mushrooms. They tested the cognitive function on a battery of patients ranging from 50 to 80 years old. Every patient was diagnosed with cognitive decline and tested over a total of 16 weeks. This highly encompassing study documented their brain function daily to indicate cognitive progress. Of the participants, 100% saw a statistically significant improvement in cognitive function without a decline in any area. Additionally, their brain activity before and after the test had shown a significant increase in activity, indicating regeneration of brain cells.
Millions of dollars have been poured into researching the mental and physical effects of mushrooms, yet, there hasn’t been a one that comes close to lion’s mane when it comes to brain health. It’s even been called the anti-Alzheimer’s mushroom by some top medical researchers. And while most other medications for Alzheimer’s only active for a brief period, preventing further deterioration, this mushroom works to repair and regrow the nerve damage done by Alzheimer’s; therefore, provoking several clinical trials around the world on this breakthrough.
Lion’s mane has been a proven neuron and myelin sheath healer, critical for fending off dementia. In fact, one of the most exciting discoveries about this mushroom is its ability to heal nerve tissues, effectively, reversing brain cell damage. How? It contains molecules known as hericenones and erinacines, two compounds have proven to stimulate nerve growth factor (NGF). NGF is a protein necessary for nerve cells that send information to the brain to function properly. A lack of NGF is considered a cause of certain neurological problems such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. Unfortunately, this protein can’t pass through the blood-brain barrier. So, treating dementia by injecting NGF into the body isn’t going to work. This is where the lion’s mane comes in.
Another advantage to lion’s mane is given their low molecular weight, the nerve regenerating compounds in the mushroom pass through the blood-brain barrier, allowing them to stimulate and repair nerve cells in the brain itself, increasing cognitive function. You see, as we age, the myelin sheath gets worn down and functions poorly.
Another way of putting it is when someone asks you a question, it can take just a few milliseconds to respond. That’s because a healthy myelin sheath keeps the brain communicating at lightning speed. Now, as we get older, it may take several seconds, or even a minute or more, for brain cells to connect so that you understand the question. Meanwhile, you give off that blank “DUH” stare, squinting eyes, trying to focus on the question, a confused look on your face or, worse, you completely forget the question you were asked in the first place. That’s a sure sign of poor myelin sheath function. Lion’s Mane can protect and regenerate healthy cells that protect the myelin sheath, providing a foundation of mental precision.
The Most powerful lion’s mane on earth comes from rare area’s in Asia due to the conducive climate. Thankfully, scientists at MIT have patented a small nutrient extraction system which allows them to maximize nutrient output by over 10x, meaning that every gram of nutrient extracted ACTS like 10, due to their patented concentration. This type of technology was developed for rare nutrients that were scarce and hard to cultivate on a mass scale.
Optimize Your Brain Health with These Blends
As mentioned earlier, the brain operates exactly like a high-end luxury car, which is absolutely true as it requires premium fuel. Poor nutrition degrades your brain function and kills your cognitive ability over time. Not to mention poor food choices can drastically accelerate your brain aging and degenerative disease. What are some good food choices or blends to complement the effects of lion’s mane?
These blends can help make lion’s mane mushrooms more potent, and then you have…
Nitric Oxide Booster for Your Brain
Nutrients get to the brain faster and with higher overall absorbability when blended with Nitric Oxide Enhancing MG2110 was added to blend. This Nobel Prize-winning Nitric Oxide booster allows your blood to flow easier, thus getting nutrients to your brain, where they are needed, faster. This addition, along with the other proprietary ingredients solidify this blend as the strongest brain formula ever released in the United States. Nitric oxide alone has been linked to a prominent role in treating age-related cognitive impairment.
Lion’s Mane Supplements and Other Forms
Lion’s mane mushroom supplements are available in many forms, from pills, capsules, and tablets. These other types of the mushroom include:
Mushroom Coffee and Chaga Tea?
Mushroom-infused tea has gained quite the popularity as of late among superfood related, health trends, especially around the fall. Lion’s mane mushroom tea can be purchased for consumption, but, unfortunately, isn’t too common and likely not to be sold at your local supermarket or anything of the sorts. Your best bet is to try searching where anywhere Chinese herbs are sold to find the tea. Another alternative is just using the powder in your tea, as it’s considerably easier to find in retail markets. And if you’re not a fan of tea, lion’s mane coffee is also an option, offering the same benefits you would get from the tea, but without the adverse side effects, we get from coffee.
Lion’s Mane Dosage and Side Effects
As far as dosage goes, it really depends on how strong the supplement or extract that you’re taking. Some extracts might require you to take 500 to 1000 mg three times daily. If you haven’t learned to read the nutritional fact labels on what you’re buying, it’d be wise to start now. Try also starting out with small doses to gauge what’s right for you, and slightly increase how much you take until you’re aware of your limitations. And there’s no need to worry about overdosing, a lion’s mane mushroom is non-toxic. In fact, laboratory animal testing displayed little to no negative side effects from upping their dosage to 5 grams per kilogram. There have been some reported side effects of slight skin irritation, but nothing too serious.
With what seems like nothing but benefits, with very few side effects, it doesn’t seem like much of a hyperbole to say this ingredient really does seem like the keys to our brain’s fountain of youth. The mind is a terrible thing to waste, and it’s even worse to remove. If you’re over the age of 40, especially if your hereditary includes senility, dementia and Alzheimer’s, consider including a little lion’s mane in your routine. Maintain and regain your brain!
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